Come found out how you are destined to be God’s Really Outstanding Work!
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
– Psalm 139:14
The GROW kids continue to build upon the foundation that was formed in our Planted Preschool. This is done by teaching the children who God is and what He has done in the Bible. GROW kids meet for Sunday school at 9:45 AM and then move to their large group setting at 10:45 AM. Here we model the corporate worship, prayer, and teaching that takes place in the Adult services. In GROW, the children learn through fun activities, games, and discussions that all reinforce the lessons they learn. On Sunday evenings, children are encouraged to join their families in the evening Worship Service.

On Wednesday at 6:30PM, 1st-5th grade meet for Children in Action (CAs). CAs is a co-ed class that builds on the lessons and growth the students experienced in Mission Friends. In CAs, the children continue to learn about God’s saving work as they learn more about missions and discipleship.
Children love to share God’s love. And, children love to learn by doing. Through missions discipleship, children learn to share His love in multiple ways, from collecting school supplies for back-to-school backpacks to passing out water at sports events, from taking a meal to a homebound community member to even sharing a smile or a prayer with someone who needs it.
You can teach children about missions by helping them:
– Learn about missions
– Pray for missions
– Support missions
– Do missions and tell about Jesus

We take Psalm 100 seriously: we are all called to make a joyful noise! As part of our regular GROW activities throughout the year, we meet for Children’s Choir. Dubbed “Noisemakers,” we sing, dance, and perform plays to share what we are learning and let other’s new the Good News of Jesus. For more information or to volunteer, see our Children’s Director Kelley Boissel.
Throughout the year, we do lots of fun activities like pool parties, bonfires, movie nights, Easter egg hunts, and CenturyKid camp. It’s a great chance for the families of GROW kids to have fun together and help our kids learn more about Jesus. Check the announcements, bulletin, and church calendar for regular updates about our upcoming activities. Want to invite a friend, just let us know! You can also see Kelley Boissel for more information.
This December, we will do Christmas Caroling, have a GROW party, and lead a special church-wide Christmas program. You don’t want to miss it!
For more information on our safety procedures, check out this page. We conduct background checks on everyone who serves with minors, including our preschool ministry. We are in the process of implementing a new child check-in system to make it easier to keep your littles safe. Check back for more information in the coming months! See Children’s Director Kelley Boissel for more information.