Do you need Good News? Jesus is the good news
Do you need good news?
Life can be hard. The Bible never pretends otherwise. We hurt. We have questions. We have broken homes and broken hearts. We feel guilty about the past and we worry about the future. Is there any good news?

At Sharon Heights we believe there is good news for all people and that this good news is all about Jesus. We think it breaks down with three simple ideas.

The Bible teaches us from it’s very opening words that God made everything we see. “In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” He made us with a specific design for our lives, our jobs, and our families. The Bible says that when God saw what He made it was “good”. The peace, joy, and purpose we’re always searching for is life lived on God’s terms. We were made as image bearers of God which means we were made to know Him and make Him known in the world this is what we’re here for.

Though we were made for God, all of us have decided to live life on our own terms as if we were God. Here’s how the Bible describes it, All we like sheep have gone astray. In other words we are sinners who want control of our own lives.

Since we have walked away from God and His design for us we are all reeling from the consequences of brokenness. Our relationship with Him is broken and we struggle with doubt and guilt. Our relationships with others are broken so we get hurt and we hurt people. We see the brokenness in our world all around us in natural disasters and catastrophes on the news.

Because we were made for better we all want to “fix” our problem and we run after all kinds of things to fix us. We want to use relationships, success, or even church to fix our hearts! But it never works.

But this is where we finally find good news! God would not leave us to our rebellion and instead sent Jesus to reconcile us back to Himself. Jesus is God’s Son who lived a perfect life and died in our place on the cross – bearing our guilt for rejecting God. Three days after He died, He rose from the dead conquering the grave forever to give everlasting life to all who would turn from their sins and trust in Him. Jesus Himself described this eternal life as “knowing God” (John 17:3). Do you know Him? You can and when you do, you will be restored to life that is how God designed it to be – in perfect harmony with Him!

All you need to do now is turn from your sin and walk away from all of your attempts at fixing your brokenness. This is called repentance. And you need to fully trust in Christ and His work on your behalf to bring you back to God. When you do that, the Bible says you are “saved”.

Perhaps it would be good to express your desire for Jesus to God in prayer right now. The Bible says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”. (Romans 10:13) If you call out in repentance and faith you will be forgiven and welcomed back into a relationship with God.

If you do that, or if you have any more questions, we would love to help you so please contact us as soon as possible!