Audio and Video Sermon Archive



October 2013

This Blood

This Blood

SHBC Choir Special with Special Soloist Laura Bennett.

September 2013

At the Pool with Jesus

Scripture Reference: John 5:1-18

This Blood

This Blood

SHBC Celebration Choir with Special Soloist Laura Bennett.

The Most Valuable Man In Town

Scripture Reference: Acts 4:12

Remember, Return, Rejoice message by Bro. Kevin Hamm.

Remember, Return, Rejoice message by Bro. Kevin Hamm.

September Nights of Revival.

Something Happens

Something Happens: SHBC Celebration Choir with Special Soloist Phoebe Waldrop.

Dale Foote

September Nights of Revival.

Foote Family Trio

Foote Family Trio

Not Just Any Old Faith Will Do

Scripture Reference: John 4:43-54

A Savior for Sinners and Samaritans

Scripture Reference: John 4:1-42