Join us every first Wednesday night of the month at 6:30PM for WMU in the Waters/Bennet classroom! We have a great time of fellowship and learning.
Currently, our Women’s Bible Study meets on Thursday evenings at 6PM at the home of Sheila Williams. For more details including the address, reach out to Sheila or the church office. This replaces the normal Sunday evening women-focused DT before service for the Spring.
If you are interested in mentoring or being mentored by your sisters in Christ, contact Sheila Williams. The mentoring group will meet on April 20th at 9:30AM for brunch. Sign up in the lobby.
Mom’s Night Out will happen again this month on Friday, April 26th at 6PM! Sign up in the lobby. Childcare has not yet been confirmed. If you are interested in helping with childcare, reach out to Candice Trusty. This month is Trivia/Game night! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Service Opportunity:
Clothing Drive!
WMU is currently accepting clothing donations now through June. We will be having a giveaway on July 20th. New or gently used clothing only, please! See Candice Trusty with questions. Donation containers are available in the church lobby.